
Lesbian and Gay Ministry at St. Matthew’s Church, Long Beach, CA

Comunidad Reaches Thirty

By Anna Totta

Comunidad celebrates its 30th anniversary this year! Many of us were present when Comunidad began. Father Gerald Meisel stepped forward then to be the first pastor to answer the Archdiocesan call to establish an outreach ministry with gays and lesbians. In 1986, he and Father Brad Dusak began this ministry and for two years led an exciting venue to integrate gays and lesbians into the parish and provide outreach to those who felt estranged from the Church.

In 1988, Father Meisel quoted in the LA Times said, “What we're trying to say (to gays) is that we accept you, ...Our message is that the church loves them, Christ loves them and even these priests love them.” What a leap of faith that was as AIDS was devastating our community and those who dared come out to parents, family, and friends also risked emotional devastation. The birth of Comunidad and other outreach ministries in the Archdiocese brought faith and hope to both families and members of the gay community.

The two Steves (Steve Nadolny and Steve Pitkin) became the first lay persons to lead the Comunidad steering committee. Over the 30 years countless events, both spiritual and community building, have been the hallmark of Comunidad. These included speakers on theology, retreats, fun outings, and game nights such as lotteria. Comunidad also participates in two main annual events of the parish: the Kermes Festival for St. Matthew’s Feast Day and the Posada during Advent.

Currently Marilyn Pires and Keith Brittin chair the steering committee which sees itself as an outreach of St. Matthew Church, and not a separate organization. Joe Maffucci is the newsletter editor. Meetings always begin with a prayer composed by Lynette Aldapa. David Kennedy provides significant outreach services to other parishes and schools.

Claire Marmion of the Faith Formation Team and Peace and Justice Committee states: “We praise and thank God for the blessing that Comunidad has been to our parish over the past 30 years. The members have worked hard and contributed a great deal of effort as well as funds to various parish projects—Market Basket, St. Luke’s Shower Program, and Project Achieve, to name a few. The diversity of our parish is part of what makes it such a welcoming place for so many. We are grateful to Father Meisel that he recognized years ago that this would be a good program for St. Matthew.

Comunidad regularly represents itself at gay and lesbian events as well as the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Religious Education Congress. There they provide helpful information to those who approach them with questions and how to get further guidance. With amazement and curiosity, seeing the “Welcome Home Catholics,” hundreds each year come to the Comunidad booth at Long Beach Pride, say I did not know I could be both Gay and Catholic.”

Denise Mann who leads the Faith Formation Team and part of the Music Ministry has this to say about Comunidad: “From the very beginning, Comunidad has been a valuable part of the St. Matthew’s Community. Where would our parish be without all the contributions of its members? They are dedicated lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, musicians, sacristans, organizers of events, committee members and generous supports of St. Matthew. Our faith lives are richer because of them. How fortunate we are that Comunidad calls St. Matthew home. Comunidad will hold a special celebration on Sunday afternoon, June 30. “All are welcome” says Marilyn, quoting one of Comunidad’s favorite songs. This is our open invitation for all St. Matthew parishioners to celebrate with us.